Observe (Fighter Feat)

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Guild Level:  14
SP Cost:      50
Skill:        Leadership
Syntax:       observe
The observe feat of the fighter is one that is gained through great battle experience, as well as from an advanced ability to analyze the merits of another individual. With this ability, the fighter spends a few rounds analyzing the attack methods of the opponent, learning its strengths and weaknesses. Once a pattern has been observed, the fighter unleashes his/her attack using this knowledge.

There are many effects. The first is a quick strike to an exposed part of the victim's body. Next are extra attacks which easily balance those lost during the initial observation. Then, while the opponent is attempting to adjust its fighting style, the fighter strikes with greater accuracy and effectiveness.


One of the most terrifying things is being stuck in place and unable to move while an angry fighter unleashes his deadly attacks. Observe is a room hold and will hold the fighter's foe in place for several rounds. Note that during the casting, the fighter is too busy observing his opponent's fighting style to make any attacks himself - and along that line, the fighter must be in combat in order to use this ability.

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