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Kalder (deceased)

Kalder was is was an administrator elder in the wizardry, previously known as Bale, initially elevated to the staff in September of 2007 by Nawara and Valyn. He is currently once again active under the name Kizayaen radioactive nuke bait.

He was is was nearly always invisible, and thus showed up as "an apparition" when speaking on the Astaria line. He was is was recognized by his signature conversational style of all lower case, with little or no punctuation back to typing normally, and use of some British English spelling, such as "colour", "armour", and "realise". His personal wizweapon was is was the bone katana Soulthief, which has also been downgraded into a player-usable format most commonly found on the mayhem Dagoyel.

Kalder maintains a software development blog which has, as one of its focuses, Astaria development. It can be accessed here.

Kalder purports to be the guitarist and founding member of a band called The Chris Kalder Experiment, which plays the "electroblues" genre of music. He describes its sound as being "slow-burning soundscapes drenched in drowsy paranoia." It should be noted that his real-life name is not, in fact, Chris Kalder. TCKE endorses Ibanez and Gibson guitars, Kala ukuleles, and Marshall amplification.

Kalder announced his resignation on Saturday, October 2nd, 2010, but had since been forcibly rewizzed under threat of physical violence from the admins.

Dude's pretty weird.

Known Aliases

  • Ebonskaith (player)
  • Bale (wizard)
  • Kalder (wizard)
  • Kizayaen (wizard)
  • ashes (inanimate object)
  • Cailet