Basic Description
| Glamour |
| Level: 13 |
| School: Illusion |
| Syntax: glamour <name> |
| Cost: 50 sp |
| Creates an illusion of the specified name which can then be |
| tailored as desired. Instructions on designing a new glamour can be |
| found in your spellbook under 'reference glamours'. |
Advanced Description
Designing Glamours
Glamours enter our world with a name. The name is usually supplied
at casting time, but defaults to Glamour. It is always capitalized
and can't be changed once your glamour has been created.
Glamours are then customized via the design command. The syntax for
this command is:
design <info>: produces a breakdown of glamour's settings
design <option> <arguments>
design id <id1, id2, id3, id4>
Sets the identification keywords for your glamour. Players
will use these words to look at and otherwise interact with
your illusions. When selecting multiple ids, separate them
with a comma followed by a space (", ").
design short <short description>
Sets the short description for your glamour. This is the
single-line description that's listed amongst the contents
of a room. Your short description must contain a copy of
the name you selected when you created the glamour.
design long <new>
Edits the long description for your glamour. To clear the
glamour's previous description beforehand, supply the "new"
option. Otherwise, the glamour's previous description will
appear in the editor.
design chats <chat #> <chat text>
Glamours have ten available chat spaces representing short
messages the glamour tells its environment. Initially, the
the 'chat #' argument is irrelevant, as all ten chat spaces
get filled with your first chat message. Afterwards, you
can selectively alter your glamour's chats. As with the
short option, chats must contain your glamour's name.
design frequency <1-25>
Selects how frequently your glamour will chat a message to
its environment. The higher the frequency, the more chats
get sent.
design sequence <sequential>
With the 'sequential' option, your glamour will chat its
messages in sequence from zero through nine. Otherwise,
the glamour will randomly select each chatted message.
design reaction <room> <reaction message>
The reaction message is shown to any players who enter your
glamour's environment. If you supply the 'room' option, the
glamour displays that message to the room while showing its
other reaction to the player who just entered. Any $N's in
either reaction message get replaced with the name of the
player the glamour reacts to.
For example, creating a Dragon glamour might go:
glamour dragon
design short A Blue Dragon
design id dragon, blue dragon
design long new
design chat 0 The Dragon fans it wings.
design chat 1 The Dragon growls.
design chat 2 The Dragon breathes tendrils of smoke.
design sequence sequential
design frequency 5
design reaction The Dragon sneers at $N.
design reaction room The Dragon sneers nastily at $N.
Exercise discretion when designing your glamour (i.e. refrain
from anything that would be considered lewd or offensive).
The glamour's owner, or any mage of guild level 15 or higher,
can dispel the illusion with the dispel command:
dispel <glamour id>
As glamours fade over time, you can prolong your illusion's
lifespan with 30 spell points and the recharge command:
recharge <glamour id>
Recharging your glamour only resets its duration to maximum,
so multiple recharges won't produce a permanent glamour.
Dispelling and recharging a glamour requires you to be in the
same room as the illusion.